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Crypto Character Compass


Uncover which character truly mirrors your persona.

From the shitcoiner to the elaborate airdrop farmooor, discover what sets you apart from an NPC!

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Airdrop Farmer

Airdrop Farmer

Airdrop Farmers are clever crypto enthusiasts who create hundreds of wallets to maximize airdrops. They often appear as curious newcomers in community chats, subtly pushing referral links. If unsuccessful, they quickly denounce the project as a scam. In the crypto community, they are both notorious and relentless in their pursuit of the next big airdrop.

NFT Collectooor

NFT Collectooor

The Avid NFT Collector is a digital treasure hunter in the blockchain world, constantly seeking valuable NFTs. They meticulously manage their virtual gallery, always monitoring market fluctuations with intense focus. Among their diverse collection is a unique digital salmon, symbolizing their unique taste. They passionately discuss the value and implications of their NFTs, hoping these digital assets will secure their future retirement.



The Snipoor is a crypto sharpshooter, a stealthy figure who strategically waits to strike in the blockchain market with the 'Buy Now' button as their weapon. With nerves of steel, they expertly navigate market volatility, avoiding panic and speculative hype. Despite their quiet demeanor, the Snipoor is highly strategic, seizing opportunities swiftly and effectively, instilling fear among major market players with their precision and cunning.



The Shitcoiner is a high-risk cryptocurrency enthusiast who eagerly invests with the mantra 'Buy high, sell low.'' They spend their time in a dimly lit room, monitoring volatile price charts that spike and dip dramatically. Quick to max out credit cards for investments, they buy at peak prices and often sell in panic, embodying the financial world's adrenaline junkie, always chasing the next thrilling, albeit precarious, investment.

EVM Enjoyoor

EVM Enjoyoor

The EVM Enjoyoor is a passionate blockchain explorer, diving into new DeFi protocols, NFT marketplaces, and games. They blend enthusiasm with caution, navigating through innovations and avoiding scams. As early adopters, they champion a decentralized future, always exploring with a mix of curiosity and vigilance.



The NPC in the crypto world is a predictable, passive observer, akin to background noise in the blockchain scene. They drift through the digital landscape with little enthusiasm, silently watching as events unfold. Despite their subdued engagement, NPCs are crucial to the crypto ecosystem, supporting its operation without fanfare. They exemplify the silent majority, content just to be part of the journey.

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